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1.Moonshake [The Sound Your Eyes Can Follow]19.00 /20
1.Sonic Youth [Bad Moon Rising]19.00 /20
1.Slint [Slint EP]19.00 /20
1.Pixies [Surfer Rosa + Come On Pilgrim]19.00 /20
1.Yo La Tengo [Upside Down EP]19.00 /20
1.Butter 08 [Butter 08]19.00 /20
1.Sonic Youth [Confusion Is Sex + Kill Yr Idols]19.00 /20
1.Moonshake [Secondhand Clothes EP]19.00 /20
1.Queen Adreena [Drink Me]19.00 /20
1.Fugazi [The Argument]19.00 /20
1.Yo La Tengo [Genius + Love]19.00 /20
1.Sans Secours [Reverb]19.00 /20
1.Red House Painters [Songs For A Blue Guitar]19.00 /20
1.Yo La Tengo [I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One]19.00 /20
1.Pixies [Trompe Le Monde]19.00 /20
1.Blonde Redhead [Fake Can Be Just As Good]19.00 /20
1.Blonde Redhead [La Mia Vita Violenta]19.00 /20
1.Sonic Youth [Kill Yr Idols EP]19.00 /20
1.Sonic Youth [Goo]19.00 /20
20.Tortoise [TNT]18.00 /20
20.Pizzicato Five [The Fifth Release From Matador]18.00 /20
20.A Subtle Plague [No Reprise]18.00 /20
20.Trans Am [The Surveillance]18.00 /20
20.PJ Harvey [John Parish & Polly Jean Harvey : That Was My Veil EP]18.00 /20
20.Violent Femmes [Violent Femmes]18.00 /20
20.Cat Power [Myra Lee]18.00 /20
20.Beck [Mellow Gold]18.00 /20
20.Pizzicato Five [Happy End Of The World]18.00 /20
20.Sonic Youth [Washing Machine]18.00 /20
20.Sonic Youth [Sonic Youth]18.00 /20
20.Pixies [Planet Of Sound EP]18.00 /20
20.Yo La Tengo [Electr-O-Pura]18.00 /20
20.Sonic Youth [Goo Demos]18.00 /20
20.John Parish [John Parish & Polly Jean Harvey : That Was My Veil EP]18.00 /20
20.Sonic Youth [Evol]18.00 /20
20.PJ Harvey [Is This Desire ?]18.00 /20
20.Yo La Tengo [Little Honda UK EP]18.00 /20
20.PJ Harvey [4-Track Demos]18.00 /20
20.Yo La Tengo [Summer Sun]18.00 /20
20.Red House Painters [Ocean Beach]18.00 /20
20.Girls Against Boys [Venus Luxure N°1 Baby]18.00 /20
20.Cat Power [Dear Sir]18.00 /20
20.Sonic Youth [Kool Thing EP]18.00 /20
20.Sebadoh [Rebound EP]18.00 /20
20.PJ Harvey [To Bring You My Love]18.00 /20
20.Fly Ashtray [Clumps Takes A Ride]18.00 /20
20.Laika [Silver Apples Of The Moon]18.00 /20
20.Yo La Tengo [Little Honda US EP]18.00 /20
20.Girls Against Boys [House Of GVSB]18.00 /20
20.Beck [One Foot In The Grave]18.00 /20
20.Yo La Tengo [Painful]18.00 /20
20.Fugazi [Repeater]18.00 /20
20.Sonic Youth [A Thousand Leaves]18.00 /20
20.Moonshake [Eva Luna]18.00 /20
20.Dead Can Dance [Spiritchaser]18.00 /20
20.Th' Faith Healers [Mr Litnanski EP]18.00 /20
20.The Boo Radleys [Everything's Alright Forever]18.00 /20
20.Ganger [Hammock Style]18.00 /20
20.Pixies [Come On Pilgrim]18.00 /20
20.Sonic Youth [Whores Moaning EP]18.00 /20
20.Björk [Post]18.00 /20
20.Girls Against Boys [You Can't Fight What You Can't See]18.00 /20
20.Queen Adreena [Taxidermy]18.00 /20
20.Yo La Tengo [From A Motel 6 EP]18.00 /20
20.Sonic Youth [Ciccone Youth The Whitey Album]18.00 /20
20.Moonshake [Big Good Angel EP]18.00 /20
20.Sebadoh [III]18.00 /20
20.PJ Harvey [Man Size EP]18.00 /20
20.Slint [Spiderland]18.00 /20
20.Pixies [Surfer Rosa]18.00 /20
20.Mogwai [EP + 6 EP]18.00 /20
20.Yo La Tengo [Sugarcube EP]18.00 /20
20.Fugazi [Repeater + 3 Songs]18.00 /20
20.Lisa Germano [Geek The Girl]18.00 /20
20.Yo La Tengo [May I Sing With Me]18.00 /20
20.Palace Music [Viva Last Blues]18.00 /20
20.Smog [Red Apple Falls]18.00 /20
20.Drop Nineteens [Delaware]18.00 /20
20.Blonde Redhead [In An Expression Of The Inexpressible]18.00 /20
80.Miossec [Boire]17.00 /20
80.Yo La Tengo [Camp Yo La Tengo EP]17.00 /20
80.Blonde Redhead [Melodie Citronique EP]17.00 /20
80.Superchunk [Here's Where The Strings Come In]17.00 /20
80.Swell [Too Many Days Without Thinking]17.00 /20
80.Pixies [Debaser Studio EP]17.00 /20
80.Yo La Tengo [Fakebook]17.00 /20
80.Queen Adreena [Pretty Like Drugs]17.00 /20
80.Seam [Kernel EP]17.00 /20
80.Fugazi [Red Medicine]17.00 /20
80.Lisa Germano [Excerpts From A Love Circus]17.00 /20
80.Girls Against Boys [Cruise Yourself]17.00 /20
80.The Third Eye Foundation [You Guys Kill Me]17.00 /20
80.Salad [Your Ma EP]17.00 /20
80.Red House Painters [Red House Painters I (Rollercoaster)]17.00 /20
80.Miossec [Baiser]17.00 /20
80.Smog [The Doctor Came At Down]17.00 /20
80.Superchunk [Hyper Enough EP]17.00 /20
80.Trans Am [Surrender To The Night]17.00 /20
80.A Subtle Plague [Hung To Dry]17.00 /20
80.Stereolab [Emperor Tomato Ketchup]17.00 /20
80.Pavement [Rattled By La Rush EP]17.00 /20
80.Seam [Are You Driving Me Crazy ?]17.00 /20
80.Red House Painters [Shock Me EP]17.00 /20
80.Slint [Tweez]17.00 /20
80.Pixies [Doolittle]17.00 /20
80.Girls Against Boys [Disco Six Six Six EP]17.00 /20
80.Beck [Tour Sampler EP]17.00 /20
80.Portishead [Dummy]17.00 /20
80.Yo La Tengo [Shaker EP]17.00 /20
80.New Wet Kojak [N° 4 EP]17.00 /20
80.The Smiths [There Is A Light That Never Goes Out EP]17.00 /20
80.Sonic Youth [SYR 2]17.00 /20
80.Daisy Chainsaw [Eleventeen]17.00 /20
80.Beat Happening [You Turn Me On]17.00 /20
80.Le Tigre [Le Tigre]17.00 /20
80.New Wet Kojak [Do Things]17.00 /20
80.Tortoise [Standards]17.00 /20
80.PJ Harvey [John Parish & Polly Jean Harvey : Dance Hall At Louse Point]17.00 /20
80.Drugstore [Drugstore]17.00 /20
80.Blonde Redhead [Blonde Redhead]17.00 /20
80.The Smiths [Hatful Of Hollow]17.00 /20
80.Trans Am [You Can Always Get What You Want]17.00 /20
80.Propellerheads [Decksandrums And Rockandroll]17.00 /20
80.Portastatic [The Nature Of Sap]17.00 /20
80.The For Carnation [The For Carnation]17.00 /20
80.Moonshake [Dirty & Divine]17.00 /20
80.John Parish [John Parish & Polly Jean Harvey : Dance Hall At Louse Point]17.00 /20
80.Smog [Kicking A Couple Around EP]17.00 /20
80.Huggy Bear [Taking The Rough With The Smooth]17.00 /20
80.Polar [1]17.00 /20
80.Laika [Good Looking Blues]17.00 /20
80.PJ Harvey [Dry]17.00 /20
80.Yo La Tengo [And Then Nothing Turn Itself Inside-Out]17.00 /20
80.Sonic Youth [Drunken Butterfly EP]17.00 /20
80.Pizzicato Five [In The Mix]17.00 /20
80.New Wet Kojak [This Is The Glamorous]17.00 /20
80.Quickspace [Precious Falling]17.00 /20
80.Pavement [Crooked Rain Crooked Rain]17.00 /20
80.Trans Am [Red Line]17.00 /20
80.Mark Lanegan [Whiskey For The Holy Ghost]17.00 /20
80.Queen Adreena [F.M. Doll]17.00 /20
80.Free Kitten [Nice Ass]17.00 /20
80.Sonic Youth [Experimental Jet Set, Trash And No Star]17.00 /20
80.Guv'ner [Knight Moves EP]17.00 /20
80.Fugazi [Furniture EP]17.00 /20
80.Yo La Tengo [Saturday EP]17.00 /20
80.The Third Eye Foundation [Little Lost Soul]17.00 /20
80.Papa M [Live From A Shark Cage]17.00 /20
80.Pizzicato Five [Playboy & Playgirl]17.00 /20
150.Quickspace [The Death Of Quickspace]16.00 /20
150.Stereolab [Dots And Loops]16.00 /20
150.Sonic Youth [Made In Usa]16.00 /20
150.Yo La Tengo [President Yo La Tengo]16.00 /20
150.Hole [Beautiful Son EP]16.00 /20
150.Th' Faith Healers [Imaginary Friend]16.00 /20
150.The Boo Radleys [Giant Steps]16.00 /20
150.St Germain [Tourist]16.00 /20
150.Mudhoney [Suck You Dry EP]16.00 /20
150.Jay Jay Johanson [Tattoo]16.00 /20
150.Lou Barlow [And Friends]16.00 /20
150.Placebo [Placebo]16.00 /20
150.Lee Ranaldo [East Jesus]16.00 /20
150.Babes In Toyland [Fontanelle]16.00 /20
150.Guv'ner [The Hunt]16.00 /20
150.Guided By Voices [Under The Bushes Under The Stars]16.00 /20
150.Pram [North Pole Radio Station]16.00 /20
150.The For Carnation [Promised Works]16.00 /20
150.Seam [The Pace Is Glacial]16.00 /20
150.Swell [41]16.00 /20
150.Tortoise [Remixed]16.00 /20
150.Sugar [Copper Blue]16.00 /20
150.Jay Jay Johanson [Poison]16.00 /20
150.Lisa Germano [Slide]16.00 /20
150.Björk [Debut]16.00 /20
150.Superchunk [Mower EP]16.00 /20
150.Pixies [Head On EP]16.00 /20
150.PJ Harvey [A Perfect Day Elise 2 EP]16.00 /20
150.Moonshake [First EP]16.00 /20
150.Dead Can Dance [Into The Labyrinth]16.00 /20
150.The Lemonheads [It's A Shame About Ray]16.00 /20
150.The For Carnation [Marshmallows]16.00 /20
150.Miossec [A Prendre]16.00 /20
150.The Little Rabbits [Dedalus]16.00 /20
150.Portastatic [Slow Note From A Sinking Ship]16.00 /20
150.Sonic Youth [Screaming Fields Of Sonic Love]16.00 /20
150.Sugar [Beaster]16.00 /20
150.Le Tigre [From The Desk Of Mr. Lady]16.00 /20
150.The Boo Radleys [Wake Up !]16.00 /20
150.OP8 [Slush]16.00 /20
150.Lift To Experience [These Are The Days EP]16.00 /20
150.Portishead [Portishead]16.00 /20
150.Superchunk [Foolish]16.00 /20
150.Lee Ranaldo [A Perfect Day EP]16.00 /20
150.Daisy Chainsaw [For They Know Not What They Do]16.00 /20
150.Dinosaur Jr [Fossils]16.00 /20
150.Superchunk [The Question Is How Fast EP]16.00 /20
150.The Little Rabbits [Wasting Time EP]16.00 /20
150.Stereolab [Space Age Batchelor Pad Music]16.00 /20
150.Pixies [Dig For Fire EP]16.00 /20
150.Yo La Tengo [That Is Yo La Tengo EP]16.00 /20
150.Tortoise [Tortoise]16.00 /20
150.Free Kitten [Unboxed]16.00 /20
150.Yo La Tengo [Nuclear War EP]16.00 /20
150.Sebadoh [Harmacy]16.00 /20
150.PJ Harvey [Good Fortune EP]16.00 /20
150.Guv'ner [Hard For Measy For You]16.00 /20
150.Red House Painters [Old Ramon]16.00 /20
150.Superchunk [Incidental Music 1991-95]16.00 /20
150.Lee Ranaldo [Scriptures Of The Golden Eternity]16.00 /20
150.Hungry Ghosts [Alone, Alone]16.00 /20
150.Seam [The Problem With Me]16.00 /20
150.Th' Faith Healers [Lido]16.00 /20
150.The Boo Radleys [I Hang Suspended EP]16.00 /20
150.Blonde Redhead [Melody Of Certain Damaged Lemons]16.00 /20
150.Welcome To Julian [Surfing On A T-Bone]16.00 /20
150.Björk [Telegram]16.00 /20
150.Le Tigre [Feminist Sweep Stakes]16.00 /20
150.Sebadoh [Sixteen EP]16.00 /20
150.PJ Harvey [Send His Love To Me EP]16.00 /20
150.Polar [Bi]16.00 /20
150.Pixies [Alec Eiffel EP]16.00 /20
222.Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her [Red Talk]15.00 /20
222.Pavement [Wowee Zowee]15.00 /20
222.PJ Harvey [Sheela-Na-Gig EP]15.00 /20
222.Mark Kozelek [What's Next To The Moon]15.00 /20
222.Yo La Tengo [Tom Courtenay EP]15.00 /20
222.My Bloody Valentine [Loveless]15.00 /20
222.Smog [Dongs Of Sevotion]15.00 /20
222.PJ Harvey [A Perfect Day Elise 1 EP]15.00 /20
222.Labradford [Labradford]15.00 /20
222.Pizzicato Five [Unzipped EP]15.00 /20
222.The Little Rabbits [Dans Les Faux Puits Rouges Et Gris]15.00 /20
222.Pixies [Gigantic / River Euphrates EP]15.00 /20
222.Yo La Tengo [New Wave Hot Dogs]15.00 /20
222.Th' Faith Healers [L']15.00 /20
222.Belly [Star]15.00 /20
222.Sonic Youth [Superstar]15.00 /20
222.Girls Against Boys [Super-Fire EP]15.00 /20
222.Portishead [Sour Times EP]15.00 /20
222.Lee Ranaldo [Broken Circle / Spiral Hill EP]15.00 /20
222.Polvo [Celebrate The New Dark Age]15.00 /20
222.Yo La Tengo [Jad Fair & Yo La Tengo - Strange But True]15.00 /20
222.Yo La Tengo [Danelectro EP]15.00 /20
222.Red House Painters [Down Colorful Hill]15.00 /20
222.Björk [Isobel EP]15.00 /20
222.Yo La Tengo [President Yo La Tengo / New Wave Hot Dogs]15.00 /20
222.Pavement [Father To A Sister Of Thought EP]15.00 /20
222.Moonshake [Cranes EP]15.00 /20
222.Red House Painters [Retrospective]15.00 /20
222.Stereolab [Sound Dust]15.00 /20
222.Sugar [A Good Idea EP]15.00 /20
222.Daniel Johnston [1990]15.00 /20
222.PJ Harvey [C'Mon Billy EP]15.00 /20
222.Polvo [This Eclipse EP]15.00 /20
222.Jad Fair [Jad Fair & Yo La Tengo - Strange But True]15.00 /20
222.Guided By Voices [Mag Earwig !]15.00 /20
222.Seam [Headsparks]15.00 /20
222.PJ Harvey [Dress EP]15.00 /20
222.Pizzicato Five [Remix Album : Happy End Of You]15.00 /20
222.The For Carnation [Fight Songs EP]15.00 /20
222.Operator [Oh My ! [I Need Money Bad] EP]15.00 /20
222.New Model Army [Get Me Out EP]15.00 /20
222.Lisa Germano [Happiness]15.00 /20
222.Mogwai [Kicking A Dead Pig : Mogwai Songs Remixed]15.00 /20
222.Sonic Youth [Bull In The Heather EP]15.00 /20
222.Blur [Blur]15.00 /20
222.Fugazi [3 Songs EP]15.00 /20
222.Sugar [Believe What You're Saying EP]15.00 /20
222.Daisy Chainsaw [Hope Your Dreams Come True EP]15.00 /20
222.PJ Harvey [Down By The Water EP]15.00 /20
222.The Breeders [Pod]15.00 /20
222.Frank Black [Frank Black]15.00 /20
222.The Third Eye Foundation [I Poo Poo On Your Juju]15.00 /20
222.Guided By Voices [I'm A Scientist EP]15.00 /20
222.Laika [Uneasy EP]15.00 /20
276.Sammy [Hi Fi Killers EP]14.00 /20
276.Sebadoh [The Freed Weed]14.00 /20
276.Babes In Toyland [The Further Adventures Of Babes In Toyland]14.00 /20
276.Fly Pan Am [Fly Pan Am]14.00 /20
276.Superchunk [On The Mouth]14.00 /20
276.Le Tigre [Remixes]14.00 /20
276.Lou Barlow [And His Sentridoh]14.00 /20
276.Polvo [Cor-Crane Secret]14.00 /20
276.The Smashing Pumpkins [Disarm EP]14.00 /20
276.Yo La Tengo [You Can Have It All EP]14.00 /20
276.Yo La Tengo [Ride The Tiger]14.00 /20
276.Sebadoh [Smash Your Head On The Punk Rock]14.00 /20
276.The Boo Radleys [It's Lulu EP]14.00 /20
276.Weezer [Undone-The Sweater Song EP]14.00 /20
276.The Folk Implosion [Free To Go EP]14.00 /20
276.The Chemical Brothers [Block Rockin' Beats EP]14.00 /20
276.Pizzicato Five [The Sound Of Music]14.00 /20
276.Pixies [Here Comes Your Man EP]14.00 /20
276.Bikini Kill [Pussy Whipped]14.00 /20
276.Jay Jay Johanson [Whiskey]14.00 /20
276.Swell [For All The Beautiful People]14.00 /20
276.The Folk Implosion [Dare To Be Surprised]14.00 /20
276.Drugstore [Songs For The Jet Set]14.00 /20
276.Palace [Mountain EP]14.00 /20
276.The Breeders [Cannonbal EP]14.00 /20
276.Nova Nova [La Chanson De Roland]14.00 /20
276.Hole [Limited Edition Live]14.00 /20
276.Garbage [Garbage]14.00 /20
276.Red House Painters [Red House Painters II (Bridge)]14.00 /20
305.Chokebore [It's A Miracle]13.00 /20
305.Pulp [Common People EP]13.00 /20
305.Cibo Matto [Stereotype A]13.00 /20
305.Guided By Voices [Sunfish Holy Breakfast]13.00 /20
305.Swell [Well ?]13.00 /20
305.Stereolab [Mars Audiac Quintet]13.00 /20
305.Drugstore [El President 1 EP]13.00 /20
305.Mosquito [Cupid's Fist]13.00 /20
305.Pixies [Monkey Gone To Heaven EP]13.00 /20
305.Liz Phair [Supernova EP]13.00 /20
305.Royal Trux [Dogs Of Love (UK) EP]13.00 /20
305.Guv'ner [Break A Promise EP]13.00 /20
305.Stereolab [Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements]13.00 /20
305.Superchunk [Superchunk]13.00 /20
305.The Breeders [Last Splash]13.00 /20
320.Pavement [Westing (By Musket And Sextant)]12.00 /20
320.Sammy [Debut Album]12.00 /20
320.Jay Jay Johanson [Mana Mana Mana Mana]12.00 /20
320.Dim Stars [The Night Is Coming On]12.00 /20
320.Belly [Slow Dust EP]12.00 /20
320.Redd Kross [Yersteday Once More]12.00 /20
320.Portishead [Portishead - Single]12.00 /20
320.The Smiths [This Charming Man EP]12.00 /20
328.The Breeders [Safari EP]11.00 /20
328.Trans Am [TA]11.00 /20
328.Swell [The Trip EP]11.00 /20
331.Sammy [Tales Of Great Neck Glory]10.00 /20
331.Beck [Where It's At]10.00 /20
331.Babes In Toyland [Sweet 69 EP]10.00 /20
334.Pixies [Bossanova]9.00 /20
334.Pixies [Velouria EP]9.00 /20
334.Girls Against Boys [Freak*On*Ica]9.00 /20
334.Yo La Tengo [Autumn Sweater EP]9.00 /20
338.Elastica [Connection EP]8.00 /20
339.Swell [Feed]7.00 /20
339.Nine Inch Nails [March Of The Pigs 2 EP]7.00 /20
341.The Coachmen [Failure To Thrive]6.00 /20
341.Diabologum [#3]6.00 /20
343.Pavement [Terror Twilight]4.00 /20
344.Weezer [The Green Album]3.00 /20
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