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1.Godspeed You Black Emperor ! [Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada EP]20.00 /20
1.Thee Silver Mount Zion ["This Is Our Punk-Rock", Thee Rusted Satellites Than Gather + Sing]20.00 /20
3.Sparklehorse [Vivadixiesubmarine Transmissionplot]19.00 /20
3.Massive Attack [Mezzanine]19.00 /20
5.Thee Silver Mount Zion [Horses In The Sky]18.00 /20
5.Thee Silver Mount Zion [Born Into Trouble As The Sparks Fly Upward]18.00 /20
5.Gorillaz [Gorillaz]18.00 /20
5.Portishead [Portishead]18.00 /20
9.Blur [13]17.00 /20
9.Portishead [Dummy]17.00 /20
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