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 Age :  20 ans 
 Résidant à :  Kiev - Ukraine 
 Site web :  http://torglocman.com/kredit-bez-proverki-kreditosposobnosti-chto-eto/ 
 Inscrit depuis : le mercredi 02 juin 2021 

In order to get a loan, you can use only two main ways. It is in cash, and it is also possible to receive funds by transferring funds to a bank card. The second option is the most common and most convenient. Almost all micro-organizations in Ukraine support him. To do this, you need to leave the details of the bank card, you need to go through the verification procedure, and after signing the agreement, it is enough just to get the funds on the card. Moreover, the translation is done very quickly! Repaying a microloan is as convenient as getting it.

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