Forum =Redjetson=
Split :'(

Posté le 04 août 2008 à 00 h 00m 49s

" Tuesday, July 08, 2008

REDJETSON - our last show.

Dear all,

We wanted to let you know that we have decided to disband Redjetson and
that this Saturday's show (12 July) at the Notting Hill Arts Club will be
our last. Personal circumstances have made it extremely difficult for us to
commit the time and energy needed to maintain and grow Redjetson and this
makes it impossible for us to continue at this time.

Our recently-completed 2nd album will be available in the near future and
we will release details of how you can purchase it as soon as possible.

We wanted to thank you all for your support over the years and we really
appreciate the incredible opportunities and experiences we've had in this
band. Thanks again and we hope to see many of you on Saturday afternoon
- we'll be on at about 5.45pm.

REDJETSON" ... =412968638

En voilà une triste nouvelle certainement l'un des meilleurs groupes post rock de ces dernièrse années qui s'en va, laissant derrière eux le génial New General Catalogue j'espère que le second sera du même acabit...

Posté le 04 août 2008 à 00 h 08m 08s

Mouais j'avais écouté leur premier album à sa sortie ... Faudrait que j'y retourne alors, j'avais peut être raté qqch.

Posté le 20 mai 2009 à 16 h 50m 40s

Ils sont morts mais pas tout à fait :

Posté le 20 mai 2009 à 23 h 34m 55s

Spam !

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